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Certified AdVantage Implementations

Welcome to our showcase of certified webpages that have successfully integrated AdVantage, demonstrating the best practices in digital advertising. These websites have seamlessly adopted our platform's core components, ensuring a superior ad experience that aligns with their unique brand aesthetics.

Each of these sites has been thoroughly vetted to ensure they meet our stringent standards for performance, integration, and user experience. Explore the list below to see how leading publishers and advertisers are leveraging AdVantage to create engaging, impactful ad experiences.

Become a Certified AdVantage Partner

Interested in getting your site certified? Join our community of forward-thinking publishers and advertisers who are leading the way in digital advertising. Implement AdVantage on your site and submit a Github issue ticket with your integration for certification.

Why Certification Matters

  • Verified Quality: Certification ensures that your site’s implementation of AdVantage is optimized for performance, user experience, and brand alignment.
  • Increased Trust: Being a certified AdVantage site signals to advertisers and users alike that your site adheres to the highest standards in digital advertising.

We are proud to recognize these exemplary implementations and look forward to adding more innovative sites to our list. For any questions or assistance with your integration, please join our Slack channel