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What is Advantage?

Advantage is a revolutionary open-source JavaScript library designed to simplify and standardize high-impact display advertising on the web. Advantage streamlines the process of integrating high-impact advertising formats into webpages and embodies a broader mission: to democratize high-impact web advertising for all stakeholders in the digital advertising ecosystem.

Ensuring that high impact advertisements can elevate their presence without compromising the integrity or security of the webpage. Our objectives are clear and multifaceted:

For Publishers

We aim to drastically simplify the process of offering high-impact ad formats. By reducing the complexity and technical barriers traditionally associated with these formats, Advantage enables publishers of all sizes to enhance their ad inventory's value and appeal, ensuring they can compete effectively in a digital landscape increasingly dominated by social media and other advertising channels.

For Advertisers and Creative Agencies

Advantage provides a toolkit for the easy creation of dynamic, engaging ad creatives. By standardizing the implementation of high-impact formats, we empower advertisers and creative agencies to unleash their creativity without being hamstrung by technical constraints, facilitating the production of advertisements that capture attention and drive engagement.

For Media Agencies

The library simplifies the procurement of high-impact advertising inventory, making it more accessible for media agencies to find and utilize these valuable ad spaces. With Advantage, buying and planning high-impact ad campaigns becomes a straightforward, hassle-free process, enabling media agencies to deliver compelling campaigns with ease and efficiency.

At its core

Advantage is about lowering the barriers to high-impact advertising for everyone involved, from the developers who integrate the formats to the creative teams who dream them up, and the media planners who leverage them. In an era where the web competes with numerous channels, Advantage positions high-impact web advertising as a compelling, competitive option, ensuring that the open web remains a vibrant, lucrative space for advertisers, publishers, and audiences alike.

What is a high-impact ad format?

Our definition of high-impact is an ad format that is something more than a standard display banner. They are often bigger in size and they often have special features such as parallax effects. The definition is used broadly as Advantage aims to support a wide variety of formats.